nanovic instritute for european studies notre dame

It is now official! Thanks to a generous grant from the Nanovic Institute, the symposium “The Bible, Narrative, and Modernity” will be taking place at the University of Notre Dame on March 27-28, 2015

By its very nature, this symposium is designed to put pressure on the narrative of secularization that has dominated literary and cultural studies. Over the two day event, we will bring together a group of renown scholars from history, literature, and theology to discuss the specific methodological and pedagogical issues that develop working at the intersection of religion, literature, and culture. With its focus on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain, it promises to be a nice expansion of the religion and literature conversation that is already well-established in the Medieval and Early Modern periods at Notre Dame.

I am particularly excited about our invited guest speakers and the faculty roundtables. Dr. Misty Anderson of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Dr. Timothy Larsen of Wheaton College will be giving public lectures and leading workshops for graduate students focused on their current work. Bringing Notre Dame faculty together with our guests, one faculty roundtable will address religion and literature as a distinct methodology, including its analogue in history, and the role of history in “religion and literature.” The other roundtable will consider pedagogy related to the Bible as literature, including what such courses look like, and the practical and methodological issues such courses raise. We hope these roundtables will be productive conversations for faculty as well as graduate students preparing for careers researching and teaching.

Please join us at the University of Notre Dame for this Symposium on 27-28 March, 2015.
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