On August 15, I officially started a new tenure-track position as the Director of Liberal Arts and Assistant Professor of English and Theology at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon!
In my role as Assistant Professor of English and Theology, I get to teach courses like “The Bible and The Novel” (Spring 2020), where we’ll read contemporary fiction that riffs on biblical narratives and ask how such novels might help re-energize our readings of scripture. By making familiar stories strange, the readings can awaken us to the twists and turns of Biblical narrative, while also highlighting the deeply resistant and redemptive work of God and his people. I also get to teach classes like “Literature and Philosophy” (Spring 2020) that takes major schools of ethical reasoning and considers their implications through literature. My section will be asking what constitutes justice and goodness when we listen to stories from people who find themselves at society’s margins.
As Director of Liberal Arts, I oversee a four-course sequence which spans literature, theology, history, the arts, and writing. Along with two formal theology classes, the four-courses I oversee comprise a core of identity-forming classes that virtually all students take. My job is to help develop a vision for the program and implement a wholistic curriculum that will help students develop the curiosity, humility, imagination, and care necessary to make something beautiful of the world.
During this first term, I’m having coffee with a lot of people, listening to their stories about where the curriculum has come from and where it is now. As we dream together about what this core might look like, we’re reflecting on what it means to be created in the image of God and what key practices help form us as we are renewed by Christ through the Spirit. From those reflections, we’re working on how to tell the Old Story of God and his people through course design and habits of mind that resonate with young people who find themselves in a world weary and worn out by hypocrisy, judgement, broken promises, hatred, and fear. Developing such a curriculum for 2400 traditional undergraduate students is a tremendous undertaking, but I’ve got an excellent team of colleagues and I’m excited about what we’ll build together.
Along with teaching these core classes and overseeing the program, my new role is opening up more speaking opportunities (see my Speaker page for full details)! This semester, I’m excited to preach and lead classes for a number of communities in the Portland area. If you’re in or around PDX, please stop by!
Thursday, October 3
I’ll be preaching at the College of Christian Studies chapel at George Fox.
Sunday, October 13
I’ll be teaching Adult Sunday school at Reedwood Friends Church
Sunday, November 17
I’ll be preaching at St. Michael/San Miguel Episcopal Church
grace & peace,
Fall, 2019
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